Success Story
“We at Calhoun Convalescent Center wish you and your family all the best!”

Mr. Allen MacBride was admitted to Calhoun Convalescent Center after undergoing surgery for below knee amputation. After surgery, he was unable to return home and perform activities of daily living independently.
After working with physical and occupational therapy services, Mr. Allen was able to learn how to maneuver on previous prosthetic limb while waiting for the new amputation to heal. While in our care at Calhoun, Mr. McBride was set up with a prosthetic company to prepare for new prosthetic limb as well as Home Health Services upon discharge home with family. Mr. McBride was able to transfer and walk with rolling walker as well as self-care.
Thank you, Mr. Allen McBride, for giving us the opportunity to assist in preparing you for home and a new prosthetic limb.